Here are some wheat, sugar, dairy free grocery items that my pantry/fridge do not live without:

2. Nancy's or Wild Wood's Soy Yogurt I love yogurt, especially with granola. But it took me a while to find a soy yogurt without sugar in it. Finally I discovered these two delicious yogurts, full of probiotics, but sweetened with agave instead. Nancy's is sweeter than WildWood's, but a has a grainier texture. Wild Wood's is smoother, but less sweet.

3. Coconut Bliss Ice Cream Please tell me you have heard of Coconut Bliss? You haven't? Well honey, you are missing out! This rich, creamy and decadent "ice cream" is made of coconut milk and agave (some flavors have sugar so check the ingredients.) My favorite flavor is chocolate hazelnut. It's so good even milk/sugar ice cream lovers rave about it!!!

5. Koyo Rice Cakes I know what you are thinking: boring, stale, tasteless, cardboard. Well you are wrong! I have always liked rice cakes myself, and this brand is especially tasty and fresh. You can find me late in the evening smearing some almond butter, honey and maybe some banana slices onto these rice cakes. Trust me, the rice cake trend is catching on. Even my wheat-eating roommates are addicted to them!
6. Lara Bars I take these bars with me whenever I travel. They are raw and full of protein and energy-rich ingredients such as dates, almonds, and coconut. The ingredient list is so short and simple- you can't go wrong.
7. Lisantti Almond Cheese I know this sounds mad weird, but I love it! Even though I like Soy Kaas soy cheese, I try to not eat too much soy, so I started trying the almond cheese. It's no brie or gouda, but it melts and tastes yummy in quesedillas. My favorite flavor is garlic and herb.
8. Earth Balance This vegan and gluten free "butter" is the best it gets. It tastes just as creamy and salty as real butter. It is made with no hydrogenated oils, like most margarine is, and come in soy-free and olive oil based blends. I use it in all my cooking and baking, but be aware that with certain things like scones, pie crusts, or even cookies, Earth Balance tends to melt so I usually use Spectrum's vegan shortening for some structural help.
9. Agave Nectar This sweetener is all the rave. It has a low glycemic index and is all natural-extracted from cactus plants! It's consistency is between honey and maple syrup, and is milder than both. I use it in all my baking and to sweeten certain dishes. Bow to the agave!
10. Canyon Bakehouse Bread This is by far the best gluten free bread I have tried! It's doesn't feel like a brick! It's light and has a great "multigrain" nutty flavor. No need to toast this bread either, just slap on some sandwich fixings and you're good to go! Buy this at Whole Foods, or demand it at your local grocery store!